With so many pressing issues at the forefront of the national conscience in America, how should Christians respond to critical race theory (CRT), intersectionality, and wokeness? Presented by Abilene Theology at South Side Baptist Church in Abilene, Texas, in November, 2020, “The Gospel and Wokeness” Conference provides a biblical evaluation of, and response to, the worldview of wokeness presented by Dr. Owen Strachan. Faith Baptist Church provides this resource as a means of helping to equip the followers of Jesus Christ to think biblically about these issues.
Conference Sessions
Session 1 – “Are All White People White Supremacists? Defining Wokeness”
Session 2 – “What Are the Problems with a Woke Worldview?”
Session 3 – “Should We Despise America? Thinking About National History”
Session 4 – “What is the Biblical Vision of Race and Ethnicity?”
Session 5 – Q&A
Session 6 – The New Man (Ephesians 2:11-22)
Conference Speaker

Dr. Owen Strachan is the Provost of Grace Bible Theological Seminary. The Maine native is a graduate of Bowdoin College (A.B. in History), Southern Seminary (M.Div. in Biblical & Theological Studies), and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Ph.D. in Theological Studies). In roles within the SBC and greater Evangelical sphere, Dr. Strachan is Senior Fellow of the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood and was formerly President of CBMW, whose purpose is “to set forth the teachings of the Bible about the complementary differences between men and women. He served previously as an Associate Professor of Christian Theology, Director of the Center for Public Theology, and Director of the Residency Ph.D. Program, at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, MO. He is also a contributing writer for The Gospel Coalition, a research fellow of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the SBC, and a fellow of the Center for Pastor-Theologians. At SBTS, Dr. Strachan was director of the Carl F.H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement, and at Boyce College, he served as chair of Gospel & Culture. Prior to his time in Louisville, Strachan was the full-time managing director of the Carl F.H. Henry Center for Theological Understanding at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and associate director of the Jonathan Edwards Center at TEDS in Deerfield, Ill.