RightNow MEDIA

We’re excited to give you free access to rightnow MEDIA, a wonderful library of video resources for all ages from churches and pastors all across the world, to help you develop and grow as both a disciple of Jesus and disciple-maker.

rightnow MEDIA is like the “Netflix of Video Bible Studies” and it has the world’s largest library of on-demand Bible study videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want – on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV.


Click Here to get started or log in with rightnow MEDIA.

Along with rightnow MEDIA Originals, enjoy videos on topics that relate to everyone in your church. Here are a few examples:

Contact / Location

Lichtenbrucherstrasse 17 67661, Kaiserslautern DE


Weekly Services

Sunday 10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday  09:00 - 3:00 p.m.

*** closed on US Federal holidays ***

Events / Calendar